Webinars and Podcasts
One of the things we do for the maritime law enforcement/emergency response community to stay connected and current is to provide webinars on a regular basis. The upcoming schedule can be found in our Calendar of Events, and recordings will be posted here. If you have a particular issue or subject area that you would like us to feature in a webinar or podcast, or you would like to be a featured guest, send us a note at info@nmlea.org with "Webinar" or "Podcast" in the Subject Line.
-------- WEBINARS & PRESENTATIONS --------
AI on Your Boat(s): Part 1
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing in all aspects of our lives, what can AI do in our maritime world of operations? What could AI do to extend the lifecycle of our boat platforms, or decrease the amount of fuel used and the subsequent carbon footprint? What can it do to train our people and reduce the impact on them, and the vessel? What can it do to increase performance? All of these things should sound familiar as we look at the "4 P's" of Public Safety: People, Platforms, Processes, and Performance. Join us as we sit down with Karl Birgir Bjornsson, CEO of Hefring Marine, and talk about his revolutionary Intelligent Marine Assistance Software or IMAS.
AI on Your Boat(s): Part 2 (Demonstration)
The second part of our discussion about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on boats, and how it can impact fuel consumption, training, vessel lifecycle, and the safety or our crews. Join us, as Karl Birgir Bjornsson, CEO of Hefring Marine, walks us through the actual software that is changing how we operate our boats.
2023 PSGP Tips and MARSEC Roundtable Webinar
Listen in, as Maritime Security Experts from the public, private and non-profit sectors discuss the upcoming Port Security Grant Program (PSGP), and give some tips to prepare for, and secure funding when the opportunity opens. Also, hear about how the Maritime Security Accreditation and Digitization Program (MARSEC ADaPt) can be funded through the PSGP, and some benefits that ports can realize when they "ADaPt". (For details on the MARSEC ADaPt program, click here.)

Maritime Security Accreditation and Digitization - How to Make America's Ports SMARTER, at the 2022 Maritime Security East Conference
What are the biggest challenges in America's ports right now? What can we do to make our ports SMARTER? How can a Maritime Security Accreditation and Digitization Program (MARSEC ADaPt) help us be better, safer, and more secure - while lowering significant costs at the same time? Watch, as the NMLEA's Executive Director answers those questions.

2020 "Transforming Training after the Storm" Presentation at CALEA Conference
The NMLEA's Executive Director gave an important presentation at the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Conference on how training within public safety needs to be re-examined, re-valuated, re-assessed, and re-structured. Listen in to this presentation and learn how the "Perform Storm" has impacted us, and what we need to do to recover.
The 2019 Threatscape: Continuous & Adaptable Models Will Prevail
The founder and CEO of RiskSense (an NMLEA STAR Product), Dr. Srinivas Mukkamala, shared his views on the most dramatic security threats that will draw more attention in 2019. He identified why new technologies (like AI, Robotic Processes and others) will begin creating an even more porous and vulnerable IT infrastructure.
Dr. Mukkamala illustrates how organizations can have improved visibility, detection, remediation, and response when dealing with growing reliance on these technologies in 2019 and beyond.
While it is a bit technical, (forward to your IT, CISO and other technical folks...;) the presentation is a fascinating view into the value and risks associated with using Artificial Intelligence in the realm of cybersecurity. It also illustrates the value of RiskSense research and development leadership.
To view the presentation, click here.
The Future of Law Enforcement - What You Need to Know
Listen as Dr. Charlie Scheer, a professor at the University of Southern Mississippi, shares some very interesting information about the future of law enforcement, and data he has collected in collaboration with four other universities through an extensive survey of the next generation of guardians.
As iterated in our White Paper, "Navigating the Changing Seascape in Maritime Public Safety," the People part of the 4 P's (People, Platforms/Procurement, Processes, Performance) represent the biggest and most complex challenges for managers, supervisors, and leaders within the LEO community. Dr. Charles Scheer has collected some fascinating data on the future of law enforcement through the eyes of the next generation of officers, or potential officers. In cooperation with four other universities, listen in as Dr. Scheer shares some very early information and begins to outline how the recruiting, training and retention challenges can be overcome by paying attention to what his survey respondents are saying.
Training the Maritime Workforce - an IBEX Workshop
The NMLEA’s Executive Director delivered an online informational workshop for the International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition entitled, “Training the Maritime Workforce: How to Keep Up with the Changing Tide.”
In an overview of the challenges facing manufacturers, retailers, public safety and maritime stakeholders across the country, Mark provides some recommended solutions that can help stem the tide of change that is affecting all of us.
Topics Covered:
Who is being effected and how
The loss of institutional knowledge
The “Millennial” Impact
Where and why training programs are failing
How do you create and train a workforce of 10,000… and get all the States and territories to agree
Innovative strategies that can help organizations adjust to the Tide change
Creating an Academy with no walls
Mobilizing your training
How Changes in Procurement and Products are Affecting Maritime Public Safety Agencies
This webinar is for maritime law enforcement, emergency response and public safety organizations to discuss all the change factors that are contributing to the People, Platform, Processes (Procurement) and Performance issues that are challenges in our domain, and how government organizations, state and local agencies, and private sector providers, can navigate through the evolving seascape. We'll discuss some programs that we have initiated to help agencies, supervisors and leaders address and manage these problems.
------------------ PODCASTS ------------------

Podcast 3-23: AI on Your Boat(s): Part 1
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing in all aspects of our lives, what can AI do in our maritime world of operations? What could AI do to extend the lifecycle of our boat platforms, or decrease the amount of fuel used and the subsequent carbon footprint? What can it do to train our people and reduce the impact on them, and the vessel? What can it do to increase performance? All of these things should sound familiar as we look at the "4 P's" of Public Safety: People, Platforms, Processes, and Performance. Join us as we sit down with Karl Birgir Bjornsson, CEO of Hefring Marine, and talk about his revolutionary Intelligent Marine Assistance Software or IMAS.

Conversations that Matter - Law Enforcement Challenges (and some potential solutions)
Law Enforcement agencies and public safety organizations (along with every other business sector) all across America face a lot of workforce challenges in the areas of retention, recruitment, and diversity - and when coupled with the external pressures there is what we call a "Perfect Storm" swirling around us. So what do you do? How do we tackle these challenges?
Mark DuPont, Executive Director of the National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, hosts a panel of professionals in a two-part virtual roundtable discussion/podcast to provide some perspective and insight. Mike Wallace, the training sergeant from the Leon County Sheriff's Office in Tallahassee, Florida, will talk about the issues from the police side of the discussion; Pastor Josh Blakesley, the founder of the Welcome Project PA in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania will talk about it from a marginalized group perspective; and Dr. Mackenzie Price in Washington, DC, will discuss the linguistic/sociolinguistic considerations and applications.
PART 1 - Discussing the Challenges PART 2 - Some Recommendations & Solutions

Podcast 10-18: How Advanced, High-Performance Boat Training Can Impact Maritime Officers and Agencies
An Interview with Tres Martin and Brad Schoenwald
As we all can attest, the advancement of boat designs and technologies have been impressive. But often, the 4 P's in Public Safety (People, Platforms, Processes and Performance, as discussed in our White Paper, Navigating the Changing Seascape of Maritime Public Safety) aren't always keeping up. For the People part, we often find officers in positions with maritime operational expectations, without the proper training. On the Platform side of things, we don't always get the right designs or equipment to conduct the mission we really want that boat to do. Our Processes don't always keep up with the latest technologies, as our knowledge may be limited because due to the significant loss of institutional knowledge, as "Boomers" retire at an alarming rate (there's the People part again). So this, in turn, affects our Procurement Process, our Platform choices, our training processes, and most importantly, our Performance.
Tres Martin is one of the best known subject matter experts in performance boat operations, having won four National and four World Titles and inducted into the APBA Hall of Fame Champions. Tres has taught NAVY Seals, Naval Special Warfare Services, US Coast Guard, Mercury Marine and other boat manufactures, and over a thousand individuals on advanced, high-performance boat skills. Due to his knowledge and expertise, Tres is also a consultant for the marine industries and insurance companies as well as for legal litigation.
Brad Shoenwald retired from the U.S. Coast Guard after over 20 years of service and numerous positions of leadership as an Executive Officer, and as an Officer-in- Charge. In addition to his operational background, Brad has an extensive background in instructional Technologies and Human Performance Technologies. The depth of this training and education resulted in Special Recognition for Inspirational Leadership at the Chief Petty Officer Academy in New London Connecticut. Brad is also on staff at the USCG Cruise Ship National Center of Expertise, where cruise ship inspectors from around the world are trained on complex systems, crew proficiency and performance as well as all the regulations governing the Cruise Industry. Brad writes for a variety of boating magazines and is frequently requested to speak during boating safely and human performance technologies conferences.
Listen in as these gentlemen discuss some of the challenges in today's maritime operational environment, and how advanced training can impact an organization and its officers. For more information on this training, you can contact the Academy by clicking here.

Podcast 9-18: The Future of Law Enforcement - Critical Data from the Next Generation of Officers
An Interview with Dr. Charlie Scheer, Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi about some very interesting information and data he has collected in collaboration with four other universities
As iterated in our White Paper, "Navigating the Changing Seascape in Maritime Public Safety," the People part of the 4 P's (People, Platforms/Procurement, Processes, Performance) represent the biggest and most complex challenges for managers, supervisors, and leaders within the LEO community. Dr. Scheer has collected some fascinating data on the future of law enforcement through the eyes of the next generation of officers, or potential officers. Listen in as Dr. Scheer shares some very early information and begins to outline how the recruiting, training and retention challenges can be overcome by paying attention to what his survey respondents are saying. For more information on Dr. Scheer's survey, contact the Academy by clicking here, and not that the survey report will be posted on the NMLEA website when it is released in August.

Podcast 8-18: Maritime Opportunities and Challenges in Guyana
An Interview with Andy Austin, Retired U.S. Coast Guard Officer and President of AMES Maritime Security, along with John Flores, Guyana's Director of Maritime Safety
With the discovery of significant oil deposits off it's coast, the small country of Guyana (population 750,000) is going through some significant changes as it prepares for the wells to start producing in 2020. A nation with very minimal maritime regulatory experience or expertise, partnerships with individuals and organizations that can help guide the country, its citizens, and the industry through the development process is critical to the country. Listen to this interview with Andy Austin, a Guyanese citizen and a retired U.S. Coast Guard officer, along with John Flores, a former Guyana Coast Guard officer, as they discuss some of the opportunities, as well as the challenges they are facing, and what specific resources and immediate needs they are working on in partnership with the Academy.

Podcast 7-18: Addressing School Safety with a
An Interview with Martin Lopez, President of Red Team Safety and Security,
an NMLEA partner in the SAFER-TEAM Program
As we struggle with the reality that an Active Threat is something affecting our schools, our churches, our business and our public arenas, we must look at the issue and address it with a "whole of community" approach. No one solution will erase the threat, but a compilation of efforts can mitigate the potential outcomes. Learn why the NMLEA partnered with Red Team Safety and Security to approach this problem with an innovative method to make our families safer.

Podcast 6-18: FirstWatch Gear - It's all about Listening
An Interview with Ross Johnston, General Manager for FirstWatch Gear
A manufacturer of personal protective gear (Inflatable PFDs, Flotation Jackets, work vests, breathable waterproof clothing, etc.) FirstWatch Gear has seen an interesting growth period over the last five-plus years. In an interview with GM Ross Johnston, hear how the company started, how they adapted to the needs of the community, and some exciting products they are working on right now based on the input they get from the maritime law enforcement and first responder community. It's all about listening. After the podcast, if you want to speak directly to Ross, you can email him at Ross@firstwatchgear.com . You can also check-out their gear in the Academy's online store. Or you can speak to anyone on our staff by emailing us at info@nmlea.org.

Podcast 5-18: Cybersecurity, RiskSense, and the
2018 Port Security Grant Program
An Interview with Chris Coyle, Managing Director of Business Solutions for
CBC Group, and Strategic Channel Partner for RiskSense
The 2018 Port Security Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity was released on 5-22-18, and as we look at the priorities outlined and identified by the DHS and FEMA, cybersecurity remains a primary objective within the maritime domain. Chris Coyle will talk about a means to manage risk and help port operators, terminal operators, shipping companies, cruise lines and the entire maritime community sift through the multiple cyber challenges on our landscape, and how to develop a risk management strategy that is proactive, rather than reactive. He will outline how the RiskSense platform can provide a "dashboard" for an entire port, and based on RiskSense's award-winning Threat Centric - Data Driven resource can provide managers and leaders with peace of mind in this ever-evolving environment.

Podcast 4-18: Innovation in Healthcare for Academy Members - and Every American
An Interview with Jeff Roberts, CEO of Capstone Health Network
Introducing Capstone Health Network… the fast, convenient, affordable way to safeguard the health of you and your family. The services offered through this program are currently used by more than 3,000,000 people! The program works whether you if are uninsured or if you have high deductible health insurance that pays for few of your medical bills. Check out this YouTube video to learn more at https://youtu.be/pHanKF07rQw., or listen to our Podcast that describes the whole program in an interview with Jeff Roberts, the CEO of Capstone Health Network.
Learn how you can:
Protect Your Family’s Health.
Reduce Your Healthcare Costs
Talk to a U.S. based doctor or counselor 24/7/365 from home or any location in less than an hour.
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Start a Membership for as little as $12.95 per month!

Podcast 3-18: Maritime Advanced Firearms Training - What Makes This Training Different?
An Interview with Greg "Cruz" Grutter, one of the Nation's premier firearms experts and instructors, with local, federal and military law enforcement/firearms experience.
Maritime firearms training is one of the areas that has been neglected over the years. All across the country, finding an agency that actually practices waterborne engagements or one that strives for proficiency of their officers on the water is rare. Learn more about how an advanced maritime firearms course can be tailored to your department, agency, or region and customized to meet the needs of your officers, by contacting the Academy at info@nmlea.org. You learn how the Nation's best firearms instructors can provide you the "hands-on" skills training that the officers who patrol, protect and preserve our maritime domain deserve.