Last week we talked about how it was “Time to Take This Outside ”, as it relates to your traditional instructor-led training (ILT), and why public safety agencies, companies, and organizations all across the country need to look now at alternative ways to not only meet their training requirements, but enhance them (see the whole article by clicking here.) Let’s talk about the “How,” and more importantly, how to do it for free. We talked about why this is an important step, and a necessary step in the maturation of an agency's training in the shadow of the coronavirus. But often, to a decision maker this looks like a daunting task. “How do I transition or convert an ILT course to a mobile course?” or “Where do I begin?” are common and understandable questions. Here are some answers, as they relate to what we do here at the NMLEA. To begin, we look at the course you’re considering or feeling prompted to migrate into the mobile learning world, and evaluate the materials that you already have in your course. Things like PowerPoints, videos, task lists, tests, quizzes, check on learning prompts, and student/learner activities, are all put together in a package that will enable the NMLEA team to go to work on the conversion. Note that if there are some of those elements that need some enhancement or are missing, the team is experienced in putting together the right pieces and creating a learning solution that ensures a learner-centric experience. Next, we use a team of mobile/virtual instructional designers that have developed courses for the USCG and ports all across the country, (including our exclusive MTSA required training) to bring your materials to the mobile environment. Placed in our robust Learning Management System (LMS) that’s tailored and customized just for the agency’s needs, supervisors and managers now have an administrative tool that can keep track of who has been trained, who hasn’t, where they are in the course, how they scored on tests and many other features. For the student or learner, the LMS allows them to stop and pick up where they left off at any time of day or night, from their laptop, MDT, tablet or smartphone and at their pace. The best part: The LMS is provided free to anyone who converts or develops training through the NMLEA. Put simply, it’s that simple. Contact us today at info@nmlea.org, to learn how we can help you transform your training, and “Go Mobile!”