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NMLEA Releases "Introduction to Maritime Industry" Online Course for NMIO

Mark DuPont

The National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) has been working with its state and local law enforcement partners nationally to better integrate their efforts into the larger maritime community. This collaboration revealed the need for training to expose state and local law enforcement analysts and officers to the intricacies of the maritime shipping industry. In response to that need, NMIO, with production assistance from the National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (NMLEA), created a course, Introduction to Maritime Industry, for use by members of the global maritime community of interest.

The new course, developed in collaboration with national maritime shipping subject matter experts from the Office of Naval Intelligence and the maritime industry, features nine modules providing in-depth knowledge regarding the maritime industry:

  • Introduction

  • Maritime Transportation System

  • Port Operations

  • Ship Operations

  • Ship Types

  • Cargo Types

  • Cargo Security

  • Threats to the Maritime Domain

  • Maritime Community Information Sharing

The course can be accessed online for free as part of NMIO’s work to assist members of the maritime community with learning more about the complexities of the maritime shipping industry.

“NMIO is looking forward to many members of the maritime community using this course as a resource in the professional development of their workforce, whether that is a law enforcement officer conducting ship boardings or analysts searching for a vessel of interest carrying contraband into the U.S.,” stated Captain Ed Westfall USCG, NMIO Deputy Director.

NMLEA Executive Director, Mark DuPont, added, “We were excited to contribute to the safety and security of the Nation’s waterways using our PortTraining online education portal, and the skills of our staff to work with NMIO in developing this important tool. This truly epitomizes our mantra of ‘Strength through Knowledge.’ Now, this training is available to any public safety professional to take at their own pace, anywhere in the country, at any time of day or night.”

About the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office.

The Director of National Intelligence, in cooperation with Navy and Coast Guard, created NMIO in 2009 to advance governmental collaboration and unity of effort as outlined in The 9/11 Commission Report, formally named Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, and the National Strategy for Maritime Security. NMIO facilitates information sharing and collaboration across the Global Maritime Community of Interest, which consists of U.S. federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; maritime industry; academia; and our international partners. Learn more about NMIO online by clicking on this link.


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© Copyright 2017 National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy

The National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy is a non-profit organization, established in the State of Colorado.

The International Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, LLC is a business established in the State of Colorado.
Academy Offices are located in Washington, DC, Florida, and Colorado.

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