The Department of Homeland Security released a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin - on July 18, 2019. It updates The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, a tool designed to communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public. There are now three primary notifications: Bulletins, Elevated Alerts and Imminent Alerts.
NTAS “Bulletins” provide information describing broader or more general trends and current developments regarding threats of terrorism. They will share important terrorism-related information with the American public and various partners and stakeholders, including in those situations were additional precautions may be warranted, but where the circumstances do not warrant the issuance of an “elevated” or “imminent” alert.
An NTAS Bulletin will summarize the issue and why it is important for public awareness, outline U.S. government counterterrorism efforts and offer recommendations to the public on how it can contribute to the overall counterterrorism effort.
An “Elevated Alert” is intended to warn of a credible terrorist threat against the United States and its territories that is general in both timing and potential location such that it is reasonable to recommend implementation of protective measures to thwart or mitigate against an attack.
An “Imminent Alert” is intended to warn of a credible, specific and impending terrorist threat or on-going attack.
NOTE: You can add an NTAS “widget” to your own websites or computer home screens to keep your agency, workforce and family/neighbors informed of potential threats. Go to: http://www.dhs.gov/ntas-widget to add your widget. You also have the opportunity to receive immediate e-mails updates from DHS regarding any changes in the NTAS by enrolling at: https://service.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHS/subscriber/new?topic_id=USDHS_164.
Details from this July 18th Bulletin :
We continue to face one of the most challenging threat environments since 9/11, as foreign terrorist organizations exploit the internet to inspire, enable, or direct individuals already here in the homeland to commit terrorist acts. Homegrown terror suspects increasingly rely on technology, such as end-to-end encrypted social media applications, to avoid detection.
Terrorist groups are urging recruits to adopt easy-to-use tools to target public places and events. Specific attack tactics have included the use of vehicle ramming, to include the use of rental vehicles, small arms, straight-edged blades or knives, homemade explosives, and poisons or toxins.
Some terrorist groups overseas are using battlefield experiences to pursue new technologies and tactics, such as unmanned aerial systems and chemical agents that could be used outside the conflict zones. Many of these technologies are readily available. Additionally, terrorists continue to target commercial aviation and air cargo, including with concealed explosives.
Violent extremist media encourages individuals worldwide to launch attacks using all means possible. Continued U.S. and partner successes in disrupting and defeating terrorists on the battlefield may encourage homegrown terrorists to carry out acts of violence in the homeland instead of attempting to travel overseas to fight or in retaliation for apparent losses.
Additionally, foreign terrorist fighters who have acquired training and battle-tested terrorism experience may flee from terrorist-controlled territories with a desire to conduct attacks elsewhere, including the United States.
Stay vigilant, Stay prepared. “Preaparo Custodis” (Ready the Guardians)