E-navigation is defined as “the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of marine information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.” The work conducted by the IMO during the last years lead to the identification of specific user needs and potential e-navigation solutions. Now let's discuss them at the 2019 e-Navigation Underway North America Conference at the Florida Aquarium on the Historic Tampa Waterfront, November 12-13, sponsored by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) and the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM)
How e-Navigation will affect The Marine Industry
Presentations will address key infrastructure issues that are the foundation for future developments, the benefits that are being derived today with the promise of many more in the future. Delegates will learn about the evolving tools available to mariners, and governmental plans and programs affecting the maritime community. A final plenary session will develop recommendations about the development and application of e-navigation for submission to national and international maritime administrations and standards setting organizations. There is a full and informative program with many opportunities for networking with exhibitors and sponsors.
The venue, the Florida Aquarium, is ideally suited for hosting our meeting and near-by superb affordable accommodations have been arranged.

Conference Overview
Many of the significant infrastructure requirements still to be developed or implemented deal with e-navigation’s information management framework. The material presented will convey a sense of when and how those initiatives will affect events. Presentations will discuss supporting services, such as communications links, and how information is to be presented. Many topics will relate to issues to be raised in the subsequent sessions.
Governments are major providers of the infrastructure supporting e-navigation. Covering both Canadian and U.S. activities in this session is particularly important, given the shared waterways in the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway.
New technologies and the tools they provide present challenges to managers and mariners alike. Keeping abreast of those developments is critical because of their impact upon operations, procurements, training and a host of similar factors. Understanding them, their uses and benefits is particularly important in order to avoid problems integrating these new technologies and tools. User understanding of the shortfalls and critical input from users to the manufacturers is an absolute necessity and one of the goals of this Session is to stimulate generation of such input.
The Closing Session will review key points raised in preceding sessions, provide for a discussion of points raised and formulate Conclusions and Recommendations for submission to IALA for distribution as appropriate. Five to ten minutes is provided to each Session Moderator to summarize his or her session.
Please join us, the Coast Guard, the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Secretary General, and more than 20 experts including marine aids to navigation authorities, manufacturers, consultants, and, scientific and training institutes from all parts of the world to exchange and compare experiences and achievements.
Let’s work together to harmonize aids to navigation and ensure vessel movements are safe, expeditious and cost effective while protecting the environment. We’ll learn about e-Navigation developments, create recommendations for action and plot courses for the future.
We invite you to spend two exciting and informative days with us, and impact the potential of e-Navigation while shaping its related infrastructure.
For Registration, Agenda, Program and Exhibitor information go to www.e-navnorthamerica.org.
(Early Bird Discount Available through September 30, 2019)