Unfortunately, the tragedy in Parkland, Florida hits close to home. As a Florida resident, and as a parent, this has relevance. Like any threat, (and aside from the politics) we must do everything in our power as public safety professionals to prevent, protect and prepare. So one thing we must look at, and one we have discussed and explored with many professionals all across the country, is this type of threat to the maritime domain. Have you thought about it, talked about it, prepared and practiced for it? As we all know, the maritime environment is VERY different from terra firma, and requires a lot of different approaches, applications and attention. If you, your agency or your region have not looked at this with a disciplined, focused and expertly facilitated lens, then maybe now is the time. Active Shooter training has evolved since April 20, 1999, and recent events over the last few years have prompted further evolution of tactics, techniques, policies and procedures. But often, the forgotten category of consideration is those maritime assets and vulnerabilities. What are the areas of concern in your maritime area of operations? What are you not prepared for? What do you need to address, plan for, train for and practice? If you have done some training and preparedness, when was the last time you did it? Working with the nation's leading active shooter programs and professionals, we can help bring this type of maritime focused preparedness to your agency and your region, either directly, or through grant-funded programs. We encourage you to contact the National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy to learn more about how programs, planning, procedures and practice can be brought to your waterways to address this area of importance and concern. The responsibility to prepare for and enhance our abilities rests on us, and on our agencies. Let's make sure we give our officers and emergency responders the right tools to answer the call.

"As a rule, we find what we look for; we achieve what we get ready for."
— James Cash Penney
To request information and explore how we can work together in your area, send an email to info@nmlea.org.