PortTraining, the nation's only comprehensive seaport security curriculum with flexible delivery options and online training management is now available commercially. With Department of Homeland Security funding in 2005 and direct oversight by the US Coast Guard, the US Maritime Administration, and FEMA, a team of 72 Florida State University instructional designers and staff developed this single-point training solution for ports, terminal operators, and first responder agencies. An active Industry Advisory Group guided every phase of work with the goal of creating a whole-system approach that "meets regulatory requirements...while recognizing seaports' central purpose of commerce."
The DHS/FSU partnership designed PortTraining to be the next generation in security training. Two innovations stand out for their significant implications: (1) the introduction of Web-based training, which plays a central role in flexible delivery options and lower costs, and (2) the online management of all training records. Four courses with 480 lessons fulfill Coast Guard and MARAD requirements, but they go far beyond requirements, providing 24/7 professional development opportunities.
PortTraining has been available to US ports since January 1, 2010 under DHS funding. In that time, 39 marine facilities and first responder agencies participated in the pilot phase, and over 3000 trainees enrolled and completed more than 10,000 lessons. The cost-savings of the PortTraining approach versus purely instructor-led training are significant, primarily because of the additional web-based delivery option. And the savings grow with the size of the facility or, in the case of large companies with distributed operations, with the number of terminals. PortTraining courses ensure regulatory compliance, and the secure training management system can be integrated with an existing HR system for true enterprise management of security training.
Background Information
In the wake of 9/11, seaport security received long-neglected, critical consideration. The United States has 361 seaports and more than 3200 waterside facilities handling 99% of U.S. overseas trade by volume (61% by value), accounting for approximately 25% of U.S. GDP. The U.S. Congress began by enacting the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. Subsequent legislation, as well as regulatory and administrative rule-making, provide the framework for required seaport security training in the U.S. Internationally, the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization adopted the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, providing substantially similar training requirements for the 160 nations presently signatory to the ISPS.
In October 2005, the Department of Homeland Security awarded a grant to The Florida State University (FSU) Learning Systems Institute to design an online and instructor-led port security training program that would effectively enable federal, state and local law enforcement, and port facilities to comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements.
Advantages & Highlights of the PortTraining Program
PortTraining is the only U.S. based comprehensive seaport security curriculum with flexible delivery options and online training management.
The program allows for centralized and immediate updates to content, based on changing regulations and guidance, best practices, emerging threats, and feedback from the field.
PortTraining was developed with a $6.2 million Department of Homeland Security grant in partnership with Florida State University. Over 35 marine facilities and first responder agencies participated in the beta test and pilot phase.
PortTraining meets or exceeds all Federal regulatory requirements insuring compliance with the 33 CFR's. It also fulfills U.S. Coast Guard and MARAD requirements.
The PortTraining program allows for 530 various lessons, providing Ports and facilities the flexibility to configure training programs that fit their unique needs.
Very importantly, the PortTraining program allows for the ability of the trainee to take courses on his or her own time so as not to interfere with one's job or disrupt the flow of commerce.

Find out how organizations thru out America save thousands in training costs. Let the NMLEA provide your port security training online, develop a customized education portal for your agency or port, and utilize our Learning Management System to track, manage and administer all of your training. We'll even use our designers to transform ALL of your traditional training into online courses.
All training records are tracked and maintained in a central database for National portability. Streamlined reporting for USCG inspections.
A secure online application for tracking all port and facility training events. Planning tools for courses so training managers can produce a detailed training strategy.
PortTraining is available in two (2) different training methods: The online Web-based training (WBT) format and our Instructor-Led training (ILT) format. The NMLEA is the I.L.T. Manager for the PortTraining System.
Very Cost Effective!! Cost savings of the PortTraining approach are significant, due in part to the WBT training format. In addition, with their 20+ year history as a non-profit entity, the NMLEA is able to control their costs and keep their expenses low. As a result, we are able to pass those savings on to our student clients.
Pursuant to the Safe Port Act of 2006, DHS is required to allocate money to Port Authorities, facility operators and State & Local government agencies to enhance port security. The DHS places a high priority on training and restricts those grant monies to MARAD / Coast Guard approved curricula and instructors... minimum requirements that the PortTraining System meets and exceeds.
The NMLEA will assist those qualifying entities in applying for the DHS grant to help with the funding of your PortTraining program training and ultimately become compliant with the Federal requirements.
There is no more noble cause than to strive to better prepare those who serve and protect our citizens and way of life here in the United States and those who share our ideals and hopes of freedom and peace. NMLEA is committed to enhancing education and training, and increasing the level of security at maritime facilities here and abroad. This program will become a truly necessary element of our national security strategy - a program that has been certified, tested and proven effective.
Contact us today about developing a customized PortTraining Learning Portal and Management System for your Agency by Clicking Here.