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Hosting an Academy Course
Looking to Maximize your Training Dollars? Would you like to host a class in your area....for free?
NMLEA makes hosting training in your area very simple; you may sponsor any NMLEA training course at your location and here is all it takes:
Select a course or courses that you would like to have delivered in your area.
Set up the training venue ( classroom, ranges or other necessary facilities, pool etc.).
Pick a date, and once confirmed, will make the course available to others through our Course Catalog, our newsletter, our social media networks and on the NMLEA website for open registration.
We promote the class through all of our marketing vehicles and you promote, advertise the class in your area to agencies and departments.
With 10 students who sign up, you receive 1 free spot.· Every 5 additional students that sign up you receive another spot!
For each training delivery, the Academy Provides:
Course Outline and Marketing material.•
Marketing the class through our website and mailing lists.
Student registration and class kits.
Host is provided with free training for each sponsored course.
Professional Instructor(s), Safety and Support personnel.
Specialized training with a certificate of completion for each student.
Course Info
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